// Returns only the streams of those users that are broadcasting.
// To specify multiple IDs, include the user_id parameter for each user. For example, &user_id=1234&user_id=5678.
// You may specify a maximum of 100 IDs.
// A user login name used to filter the list of streams.
// Returns only the streams of those users that are broadcasting.
// To specify multiple names, include the user_login parameter for each user. For example, &user_login=foo&user_login=bar.
// You may specify a maximum of 100 login names.
// A game (category) ID used to filter the list of streams.
// Returns only the streams that are broadcasting the game (category).
// You may specify a maximum of 100 IDs.
// To specify multiple IDs, include the game_id parameter for each game. For example, &game_id=9876&game_id=5432.
// The type of stream to filter the list of streams by.
// Possible values are:
// all, live
// The default is all.
// A language code used to filter the list of streams.
// Returns only streams that broadcast in the specified language.
// Specify the language using an ISO 639-1 two-letter language code or other if the broadcast uses a language not in the list of supported stream languages.
// You may specify a maximum of 100 language codes.
// To specify multiple languages, include the language parameter for each language. For example, &language=de&language=fr.
// The maximum number of items to return per page in the response.
// The minimum page size is 1 item per page and the maximum is 100 items per page.
// The default is 20.
// The cursor used to get the previous page of results.
// The Pagination object in the response contains the cursor’s value.