// The ID of the category or game to get. Include this parameter for each category or game you want to get. For example, &id=1234&id=5678.
// You may specify a maximum of 100 IDs. The endpoint ignores duplicate and invalid IDs or IDs that weren’t found.
// The name of the category or game to get. The name must exactly match the category’s or game’s title.
// Include this parameter for each category or game you want to get. For example, &name=foo&name=bar.
// You may specify a maximum of 100 names. The endpoint ignores duplicate names and names that weren’t found.
// The IGDB ID of the game to get. Include this parameter for each game you want to get. For example, &igdb_id=1234&igdb_id=5678.
// You may specify a maximum of 100 IDs. The endpoint ignores duplicate and invalid IDs or IDs that weren’t found.
// The list of categories and games. The list is empty if the specified categories and games weren’t found.
// Gets information about specified categories or games.
// You may get up to 100 categories or games by specifying their ID or name. You may specify all IDs, all names, or a combination of IDs and names. If you specify a combination of IDs and names, the total number of IDs and names must not exceed 100.
// Requires an app access token or user access token.