
77 lines
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package conduit
import "time"
type ConduitData struct {
// Conduit ID.
ID string `json:"id"`
// Number of shards associated with this conduit.
ShardCount int `json:"shard_count"`
type Shard struct {
// Shard ID.
ID string `json:"id"`
// The shard status. The subscriber receives events only for enabled shards
Status Status `json:"status"`
// The transport details used to send the notifications.
Transport *Transport `json:"transport"`
type Status string
const (
// enabled — The shard is enabled.
StatusEnabled Status = "enabled"
// webhook_callback_verification_pending — The shard is pending verification of the specified callback URL.
StatusWebhookCallbackVerificationPending Status = "webhook_callback_verification_pending"
// webhook_callback_verification_failed — The specified callback URL failed verification.
StatusWebhookCallbackVerificationFailed Status = "webhook_callback_verification_failed"
// notification_failures_exceeded — The notification delivery failure rate was too high.
NotificationFailuresExceeded Status = "notification_failures_exceeded"
// websocket_disconnected — The client closed the connection.
WebsocketDisconnected Status = "websocket_disconnected"
// websocket_failed_ping_pong — The client failed to respond to a ping message.
WebsocketFailedPingPong Status = "websocket_failed_ping_pong"
// websocket_received_inbound_traffic — The client sent a non-pong message.
// Clients may only send pong messages (and only in response to a ping message).
WebsocketReceivedInboundTraffic Status = "websocket_received_inbound_traffic"
// websocket_connection_unused — The client failed to subscribe to events within the required time.
WebsocketConnectionUnused Status = "websocket_connection_unused"
// websocket_internal_error — The Twitch WebSocket server experienced an unexpected error.
WebsocketInternalError Status = "websocket_internal_error"
// websocket_network_timeout — The Twitch WebSocket server timed out writing the message to the client.
WebsocketNetworkTimeout Status = "websocket_network_timeout"
// websocket_network_error — The Twitch WebSocket server experienced a network error writing the message to the client.
WebsocketnetworkError Status = "websocket_network_error"
type Transport struct {
// The transport method. Possible values are:
// webhook, websocket
Method string `json:"method"`
// The callback URL where the notifications are sent. Included only if method is set to webhook.
Callback *string `json:"callback,omitempty"`
// The UTC date and time that the WebSocket connection was established. Included only if method is set to websocket.
ConnectedAt *time.Time `json:"connected_at,omitempty"`
// The UTC date and time that the WebSocket connection was lost. Included only if method is set to websocket.
DisconnectedAt *time.Time `json:"disconnected_at,omitempty"`