[coverage:run] source = custom_components [coverage:report] exclude_lines = pragma: no cover raise NotImplemented() if __name__ == '__main__': main() show_missing = true [tool:pytest] testpaths = tests norecursedirs = .git addopts = --strict --cov=custom_components [flake8] # https://github.com/ambv/black#line-length max-line-length = 88 # E501: line too long # W503: Line break occurred before a binary operator # E203: Whitespace before ':' # D202 No blank lines allowed after function docstring # W504 line break after binary operator ignore = E501, W503, E203, D202, W504 [isort] # https://github.com/timothycrosley/isort # https://github.com/timothycrosley/isort/wiki/isort-Settings # splits long import on multiple lines indented by 4 spaces multi_line_output = 3 include_trailing_comma=True force_grid_wrap=0 use_parentheses=True line_length=88 indent = " " # by default isort don't check module indexes not_skip = __init__.py # will group `import x` and `from x import` of the same module. force_sort_within_sections = true sections = FUTURE,STDLIB,INBETWEENS,THIRDPARTY,FIRSTPARTY,LOCALFOLDER default_section = THIRDPARTY known_first_party = custom_components,tests forced_separate = tests combine_as_imports = true [mypy] python_version = 3.11.4 ignore_errors = true follow_imports = silent ignore_missing_imports = true warn_incomplete_stub = true warn_redundant_casts = true warn_unused_configs = true