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2024-02-28 10:30:20 -05:00
package chat
import (
type UpdateChatSettingsParams struct {
// The ID of the broadcaster whose chat settings you want to update.
BroadcasterID string `url:"broadcaster_id"`
// The ID of a user that has permission to moderate the broadcasters chat room, or the broadcasters ID if theyre making the update.
// This ID must match the user ID in the user access token.
ModeratorID string `url:"moderator_id"`
type UpdateChatSettingsRequest struct {
// A Boolean value that determines whether chat messages must contain only emotes.
// Set to true if only emotes are allowed; otherwise, false. The default is false.
EmoteMode *bool `json:"emote_mode"`
// A Boolean value that determines whether the broadcaster restricts the chat room to followers only.
// Set to true if the broadcaster restricts the chat room to followers only; otherwise, false. The default is true.
// To specify how long users must follow the broadcaster before being able to participate in the chat room, see the follower_mode_duration field.
FollowerMode *bool `json:"follower_mode"`
// The length of time, in minutes, that users must follow the broadcaster before being able to participate in the chat room.
// Set only if follower_mode is true.
// Possible values are: 0 (no restriction) through 129600 (3 months).
// The default is 0.
FollowerModeDuration *int `json:"follower_mode_duration"`
// A Boolean value that determines whether the broadcaster adds a short delay before chat messages appear in the chat room.
// This gives chat moderators and bots a chance to remove them before viewers can see the message.
// Set to true if the broadcaster applies a delay; otherwise, false.
// The default is false.
// To specify the length of the delay, see the non_moderator_chat_delay_duration field.
NonModeratorChatDelay *bool `json:"non_moderator_chat_delay"`
// The amount of time, in seconds, that messages are delayed before appearing in chat. Set only if non_moderator_chat_delay is true.
// Possible values are:
// 2 — 2 second delay (recommended)
// 4 — 4 second delay
// 6 — 6 second delay
NonModeratorChatDelayDuration *int `json:"non_moderator_chat_delay_duration"`
// A Boolean value that determines whether the broadcaster limits how often users in the chat room are allowed to send messages.
// Set to true if the broadcaster applies a wait period between messages; otherwise, false.
// The default is false.
// To specify the delay, see the slow_mode_wait_time field.
SlowMode bool `json:"slow_mode"`
// The amount of time, in seconds, that users must wait between sending messages.
// Set only if slow_mode is true.
// Possible values are: 3 (3 second delay) through 120 (2 minute delay). The default is 30 seconds.
SlowModeWaitTime *int `json:"slow_mode_wait_time"`
// A Boolean value that determines whether only users that subscribe to the broadcasters channel may talk in the chat room.
// Set to true if the broadcaster restricts the chat room to subscribers only; otherwise, false.
// The default is false.
SubscriberMode *bool `json:"subscriber_mode"`
// A Boolean value that determines whether the broadcaster requires users to post only unique messages in the chat room.
// Set to true if the broadcaster allows only unique messages; otherwise, false.
// The default is false.
UniqueChatMode *bool `json:"unique_chat_mode"`
type UpdateChatSettingsResponse struct {
// The list of chat settings. The list contains a single object with all the settings.
Data []Settings `json:"data"`
// Updates the broadcasters chat settings.
// Requires a user access token that includes the moderator:manage:chat_settings scope.
func (c *Chat) UpdateChatSettings(ctx context.Context, params *UpdateChatSettingsParams, body *UpdateChatSettingsRequest) (*UpdateChatSettingsResponse, error) {
v, _ := query.Values(body)
endpoint := c.baseUrl.ResolveReference(&url.URL{Path: "chat/settings", RawQuery: v.Encode()})
r, w := io.Pipe()
go func() {
if err := json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(body); err != nil {
} else {
req, err := http.NewRequestWithContext(ctx, http.MethodPatch, endpoint.String(), r)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
res, err := c.client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer res.Body.Close()
var data UpdateChatSettingsResponse
if err := json.NewDecoder(res.Body).Decode(&data); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &data, nil